The Afghan Star’s songs echoed throughout the town |
1. Music Performances:
With the aim of reviving the indigenous culture of the region, promotion of folk music is one of the areas of consideration and the annual festival provides all grounds for the local artists to perform live music. Not only are the local artists invited but artists from the national level are invited to show their innate talent and contribute to the promotion of the folk music of this region. One of the highlights of the festival was live music by both national and local artists who performed live music on three days of the festival providing entertainment and joy to the audience.
The legendary Ustad Tavokali _ a source of inspiration! |
The rhythms, lyrics & compositions of Hazaragi music depict the feelings of affection for the beloved ones, admiration to the natural beauty of the region, patriotism for Afghanistan and fraternity of the Afghans; while the heart-touching vocals of the artists reverberate the feelings all across the region.
On his beats the valley bloomed in ecstasy |
The country where war and terrorism have taken over for long and where the entire population is threatened of violence and terrorist attacks, joy and happiness forget to happen. But the people of Bamyan did make it a reality with their support for organizing the festival and enjoying all the performances from the dawn to the dusk.
They let their soul dance & dance to the best… |
2. Theater Performances:
Bamika theater artists with their live performance |
Despite lacking faculty of Films & Theater in Bamyan University or any Films & Theater institute, Bamyan does have quality theater artists who have been able to perform theater at both provincial & national level with their recognized theater group, “Salsal & Shahmama Cultural Group”. Bamyan Silk Road Festival provides platform for the local artists to perform theater of all kinds; such as, comedy, cultural and drama, which are centered on giving public awareness on tourism and cultural heritage protection & preservation. In the Third Silk Road Festival, there were varieties of theater performances on tourism and cultural issues.
Rah-e-Noor theater artists in action |
3. Acrobats and Karate:
They did entertain the audience at best |
The fun and entertainment were multiplied as the young kids performed live Acrobat performances and Karate techniques inspiring the youths that sports play vital role in creating peace and harmony in any nation. Once the people take active part in sports, war & terrorism will fear to happen.
Mr. Haidery’s performance was appreciated by all |
Indeed the cultural performances created spiritual environment in the town and gave the people a chance to enjoy at best, live to the fullest and feel proud of what they have been inherited.