The best prayer is not asking but ‘thank you’

Over the last 2 months, I have keenly reflected on this piece to make it sound positive and personal yet inspiring. While driving to work, I heard on The Tony Robbins Podcast, “The best prayer is not asking but thank you.” That has stuck with me since then and even shared it with my colleagues.

Thank You God.

Counting blessings so it’s about gratitude.

There are days when the inability to care for aging parents distresses you. They spend their entire best years making sure we have the best of everything despite the circumstances beyond their control and you part ways to obscurity. Maybe, it’s the natural order of life where the pursuit for the better continues in every living ecosystem. It’s part of the Creator’s system and everlasting. Knowing the natural facts, you still wish there was a way you see them young, active, and able to care for themselves especially when your success is the result of their prayers. I’ve always had a strong faith in Your compassion and generosity towards my loved ones. You blessed me when I didn’t pray for, and I never left empty-handed when I asked. Thank you for making them resilient against all odds. All my praise to You for guarding every member I call family, thank you.

The year 2023 was productive in humane ways when cultivating relationships with family and friends was an integral part of every activity. Cherishing the growth and learning of our princess multiplied the joy of parenthood. Anam attends kindergarten and I still remember how unpleasantly quiet the house was after dropping her off on the first day. What’s more comforting than learning about her discipline, kind nature, and social interaction with her fellows? Apparently, she’s more sociable than her father at least in her own social network. Roaming in the park or any green field is like birds flapping their wings. She loves open fields. And we go out of breath jumping and flipping but her animated reaction makes us go on and on. She enjoys going to the swimming pool but we realize Anam loves the beach more where she can run freely than Papa holding her in the pool.

Growing up, I became accustomed to ‘uncertainty’ and that life can be ‘unpredictable’. Every vulnerable moment of 2023 brought me closer to the idea of remaining humble, staying faithful, and trusting in the good He’s planned. Yes, I must have had unintended complaints and pardonable reactions but learned that life’s shades make it a valuable life. It’s these moments that make us men. Above all, realizing that the strength of a man is not in physical toughness but in strong willpower

Thank You for protecting my life partner at her sensitive time and granting me the resilience to care for her and Anam. It was such a traumatic experience that impacted us profoundly, but everyone offered their support. That helped us a lot affirming that we are in a much better place where humans are valued; their health and wellbeing are important to those in authority. Thank You for protecting my partner. Did I just call her the queen? Yes, she is the queen of our little kingdom. And may the spirit of the unborn rejoice in heaven, Amen! Proud may outweigh every adjective to express the feeling I have for her. This family is complete with her and the mouthwatering food we’ve for every meal. Even my colleagues acknowledge the deliciously smelling food I eat at lunch. Thank You for watching over our little family in a new environment.

I consider myself fortunate to have friends who listen to every wise & not very wise philosophy I share; the past life we reminisce about, absurd to important matters we talk about, or just casually conversing like adults. There were times when they shared the difficulties of life trusting blindly because that’s what the friends are for. We need someone to listen without judging, someone to understand rather than debate, to inform rather than advise, and to laugh with than laugh at. Thank you for blessing me with some of the most supportive, respectful, and wise friends. I haven’t seen some for years but it’s satisfying that they’re progressing and making efforts to have a good life. Can’t wait to meet you guys!

Yes, this was the year of harnessing emotional strength, resilience, and compassion for loved ones. Practically, it’s hard to realize that your life is not always about you but those close to you. And the sooner you realize, the easier this journey (life) becomes. Regardless of our role or status, we are connected psychologically and humanely so we should realize that we’re not at the center of everything, not everything is about us; others too have emotions and psychological pressure they cope with. We can go through everything with each other. It was the faith in Him that held me showing that there’s a way out of everything. I broke up a couple of times, He heard and picked me up; He showed the signs when I doubted. But ultimately, I gained stronger faith in His kindness because He’s the kindest.

As we grow older, our focus shifts towards becoming valuable and we find meaning in making impacts in the lives of others in the ways possible. I believe this is driven when gratitude becomes a fundamental attribute in every aspect of our life, from connection with others to the level of faith in our Creator. I’ve been cultivating a mindset of gratitude resulting in improved relationships, increased joy, and a better perspective on different shades/ stages of life.

My Favorites from 2023:

The book I enjoyed reading: Think Again by Adam Grant

The movie I watched in one-go and enjoyed the most: The Professor and the Madman

Artist I listened to & played more: Haamim (Persian)

The place I enjoyed the most visiting: Howick Historical Village

The 2023 lesson that I resolve to master in 2024 and the years ahead is, “It’s important to be strong but necessary to be calm”.

Happy New Year – 2024.

Jawad Jahid

Jawad Jahid
Jawad Jahid

Personal stories inspire audiences more making us feel connected: our motivation can motivate others, our success creates a sense of purpose for other and our struggles feel like common experiences we all share. I started blogging with a passion for storytelling about: important topics that matter, self-reflection intended for learning and engaging with audiences beyond my social circle. Thank you for coming here and I hope you enjoy feeling inspired by these blog posts and images.

Articles: 86


  1. Excellent write-up. I am glad that you are enjoying and your life is prosperous and peaceful. Wish you all the best

  2. It was really inspiring and motivational. We also can't wait to see you. Your constant support and friendship is never forgotten. I wish you more success and life full of joy.

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