Address by Tony Blair on Globalization
As a student ambassador volunteering in the organization of a high profile event by INTI College Subang
Campus, I was overly exhilarated to watch Mr. Tony Blair, the former Prime
Minister of the United Kingdom at our college. Not only had his profile, charisma reasoned my exhilaration but also the topic he addressed on, which beyond reasonable doubts grants prosperity once adopted and its complications well enforced. The attendance was favorably august, the expectation conspicuously great. It’s worth mentioning that live streaming facility was arranged in 3 lecture halls at the campus and for students in other campuses as well. Do we not appreciate INTI College Subang Jaya management in general and the organizers of the event in particular, a clear manifestation of discourtesy will it be for the event well managed. The college has left no stones unturned in streamlining students’ understanding of rapid global changes through events likewise.
Mr. Amit Sevak, the Cheif Executive Officer of INTI Colleges Malaysia commenced the ceremony with his welcome address to Mr. Tony Blair and all the distinguished guests. Introducing the former Prime Minister, Mr. Amit Sevak highlighted the significant focus of Mr. Blair’s policy on education during his two times premiership 1997 – 2007. Mr. Tony Blair initiated his speech sharing his experiences visiting other colleges of the Laureate International University & Colleges from across the world. Addressing the students of Laureate International (INTI college, Malaysia), faculty members, industry partners and media groups, the Prime Minister outlined the significance of globalization influencing living standards, its challenges of sustainable development and opportunities ensuring a better world for all. Here is a glimpse of the key points he brought up at the forum:
Ø  With changing geopolitical events, the rise of China, transforming technological development, individuals, corporations and governments need to leverage their forces not only for their survival but more for prosperity.
Ø  The five factors to the nature of the world which require unprecedented supervision, ensuring smart connectivity with the rest of the world include:
    1. Education is the root to remain connected, enabling means of communication among the nations of the world. Creative education – not ordinary, but leading to open-mindedness – breaks the clutches of racial, religious, cultural differences and allows to interact with no differences but single identify of global fellow beings. One of the biggest challenges of globalization is coming into contact with people of all differences at national and international level; thereof, it will be disastrous not to give equal rights to women; not to accept people of different faith, ethnic groups when human resource is the biggest capital of any country. As an example, Mr. Blair insinuated London being a model of multi-cultural and multi-ethnic world of tomorrow helped win the 2012 Olympics Games bidding.   
    2. Because, the governments encounter the fact, “how to prosper with the accelerating growth of globalization”, it is government’s liability to prepare for expected and those unexpected challenges of globalization by driving its forces; adopting the changes and reforming its policies to accelerate the country’s growth. Despite the fact that globalization demands excessive work, the government needs to identify what works best.
    3. Globalization is a process driven by people not government; therefor, development of small and medium-size enterprises, fuel the future economic development of a country with elaborate and candid appeasement of the government.
   4.The world works through connectivity; therefore, building relationship with regional partners/ power is of greater importance to access development opportunities and ensure socioeconomic reform/ stability and  people’s prosperity.
   5.Thanks to the technological advancement, having contributed to the wider social and global networking, enabling people to get connected far greater than decades back. However, technology needs to be transformative and be used in a smart way because one is exposed to the world and every single action reflects one’s temptation and intentions.
Mr. Blair’s sense of humor kept his audience involved during his address and while answering audience’s pre-selected questions.  However, to the students did Mr. Blair promulgate life lessons though his prowess experiences and diverse knowledge of the global understanding during Q&A session. To a question of balance between environmental sustainability and globalization/ economic change Mr. Balir outlined, “To sustain the balance, global agreement stipulating use of science and technology through campaign and creativity needs to be in place.”  To a question about health issue being a major challenge to the economic change and globalization, Mr. Tony Balir urged government’s partnership with people to address health issues than relying merely and solely on the government’s actions.
Mr. Tony Blair, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom concluded his remarks with 3 lessons of leadership:
    1. Have a sense of purpose because life goes better by living consciously which will cultivate leadership aptitude
    2.  Imparting the knowledge of world’s development comprehending how the world works and cultures evolve not by the mere accumulation of the facts.
    3. Leadership is about stepping in when others step out, so leadership is about responsibility and character. Once, you decide for it, you define yourself knowingly or
otherwise. Therefore, stay persistent with your decision listening to your heart not the criticism. You deserve it!
I hope his speech and perspective of globalization are worth-learning for students who will truly shape the future of world in one way or the other.

Jawad Jahid

Jawad Jahid
Jawad Jahid

Personal stories inspire audiences more making us feel connected: our motivation can motivate others, our success creates a sense of purpose for other and our struggles feel like common experiences we all share. I started blogging with a passion for storytelling about: important topics that matter, self-reflection intended for learning and engaging with audiences beyond my social circle. Thank you for coming here and I hope you enjoy feeling inspired by these blog posts and images.

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