A Good Evening
Subang Jaya Lake
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Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise!
I never dreamed about success, I worked for it
The secret of getting ahead is getting started!
Efforts & courage are not enough without purpose & direction!
Don’t stop until you are proud!
You’re free to make whatever choice you want but you’re not free for the consequences of the choice
Sometimes you’ve to sit back & Watch & Observe. People will show who they are without you saying a word
In a mirror is where we find a reflection of our appearance, but in a hear is where we find our a reflection of our souls. 

If plan “A” did not work, the alphabet has 25 more letters so stay cool & keep searching answers of your dreams!
I am in charge of how I feel and today I choose Happiness!
Don’t think of things you didn’t get after Praying. Think of the countless blessing God gave you without Asking. 
Don’t judge my choices without understanding my reasons!

Sharing the same world,
Photo Credits: Jawad Jahid

Jawad Jahid
Jawad Jahid

Personal stories inspire audiences more making us feel connected: our motivation can motivate others, our success creates a sense of purpose for other and our struggles feel like common experiences we all share. I started blogging with a passion for storytelling about: important topics that matter, self-reflection intended for learning and engaging with audiences beyond my social circle. Thank you for coming here and I hope you enjoy feeling inspired by these blog posts and images.

Articles: 86

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