Bamyan Local Games
1. Buz Kashi

Fighting for their glory
Goat grabbing traditionally known as “Buzkashi” is one of the most popular games in north & central highlands of Afghanistan. The horsemen known as “Chopendaz” try to grab the carcass of the goat from the ground with one hand and hold leather whip in the other preventing their contenders to grab their prey. The team scores by planting the carcass in the scoring goal; however, all the riders have to do is to lift the carcass, run towards any direction, they only care to score. This game is now being revived as people at Eid, New Years battle for their victory; while, being one of the demanding games of the summer Silk Road Festivals. 
The referee at his best
Buz Kashi is now one of the important parts of annual Bamyan Silk Road Festival, which draws great number of spectators from all around the province. The players put the maximum of their efforts for the glory and honor of their village. This game helps develop the positive image of Bamyan and brings tourists from all around the world; resultantly, it contributes to the local economy of the province. 
The champs ready for contest
 Jawad Jahid
Jawad Jahid
Jawad Jahid

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