When the commitment stops, it brings death to
the relation

Man, termed as supreme creature with innate
capabilities to distinguish well & evil, has the power to feel profound pain, joy, intimacy, empathy & responsibility. At times his feelings of joy,
pain, etc. get so intense making him unable to react by the virtue of his
intellect to ending up with better consequences of life scenarios (childhood,
youth, and adulthood) & relations at family, business, with friends, etc.  Similarly, how he reacts influences his
personal life and his relationship with people around him. However, his
_ to stand firm and look into the very eyes of the challenges which are threats
to his social status and relationship, etc. _ is a source stimulating him to
live a life not to be merely alive.

What is commitment?
Commitment manifests one’s
willingness to achieve a set life goal, sustain one’s status, obtain an honor,
etc. The level of commitment acts the chief role in the process of achieving an
honor/ goal, developing a relation, etc. In fact, commitment is an internal decision, not
something that can be forced from outside.  Commitment occurs when one’s
thoughts and emotions are pointing in the same direction.  If one makes a mental
decision but doesn’t feel right about it, he’s not committed.  If one
makes an emotional decision that doesn’t sit well with one’s intellect, he’s
not committed.  Half-brained decisions will usually fizzle within a matter
of days.  The only real commitments are those that engage both one’s mind
and emotions.
A number of significant components help sustain
the relation in the wake of the commitment. One commits himself/ herself to:
1.      Develop the instinct of honesty within. This
shall happen in one’s; Word & Behavior
Word: People usually prefer to take the assistance of “LIE” to show
things are happening well and smoothly enough just to avoid crumble in the relation
not realizing this would lead to even more sever consequence once revealed onto
other person; thus lie ends up with lousy consequences. One’s commitment to
sustaining the relation shall be reflected with the words of hope, care, love,
affection and stimulating thoughts.
Behavior: People are hardly concerned of their behavior as a tool to strengthening
and weakening the relation between family members, spouse, friends, colleagues,
etc. The level and extent of one’s interaction with others symbolizes the
extent of one’s commitment to whether or not maintain his relation with his
counterpart.  At times people assume to
be in good terms with others; while contradictory sentiments prevail within his
counterpart; therefore, the willingness to nourish the relation will ultimately
pale up. Resultantly, the commitment will extinct.
2.      Maintain mutual understanding:
One must commit to give the best in maintaining
mutual understanding by creating environment to talk about the interests of
each other, finding the interesting points about each other, creating common
ground between the two which will help grow the relation even deeper. This
results into sense of being important to each other. Give sincere appreciation
not the flattery ones. One’s heart shall accompany the words and actions. As a
well Dari quote states, “
هم دلی از هم زبانی بهتر است”. Because if one commits
without feeling it right within, the commitment dies in no time.
3.      Turn silent at other’s anger:
To have better and long lasting relation, one
must commit to possess patience and turn dumb at other’s anger. Reacting at
other’s anger will heat up the state as a well saying, “Anger usually turns
into Danger with an addition of D”. One’s anger frequently erupts at other;
while the screw is loose somewhere else. So one shall commit to stay calm and
positive; give time to other to calm down either which will then help both to
figure out where the screw is loose.     
4.      Have confidence & trust on other
commitment to maintain believe and confidence in each other will help share
both joys and pain energizing both to get started for worldly challenges with
more confidence. People usually accomplish great exertions by the virtue of
trust, confidence and believe the other person has on him/ her. Once the
confidence grows wholly, it gets hard to gauge the accelerating momentum of
achievements in relation, business and conscience in particular.

Once a boy used to have precious stones; while
his girlfriend used to own varieties of sweet, they then decided to exchange
their belongings. In the evening the boy separates the best of his stones and
keeps for himself; similarly, the girl leaves out the mediocre ones and wraps
up for the boy. The very next morning, they end up exchanging. Since then both
the boy and the girl spent time thinking what the best of their belongings they
left for themselves. This shows that the confidence, trust on the exterior ends
up in more complications; the commitment to strengthen the relation will
diminish by the gradual span of time. This is same as PLATO’s quote, “The
greatest mistakes physicians make is that they attempt to cure the body without
curing the mind; yet the body and mind are one and should not be separated”

The commitment to develop better relation is a
matter of thinking win-win and not in person. Since it is matter of two lives;
everything shall make both winners or otherwise…

By Jawad Jahid

Inspired by “Laws of Attraction” by Anthony
Jawad Jahid
Jawad Jahid

Personal stories inspire audiences more making us feel connected: our motivation can motivate others, our success creates a sense of purpose for other and our struggles feel like common experiences we all share. I started blogging with a passion for storytelling about: important topics that matter, self-reflection intended for learning and engaging with audiences beyond my social circle. Thank you for coming here and I hope you enjoy feeling inspired by these blog posts and images.

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